§ 178-9. Rotation; exception.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Towing services shall rotate on a weekly basis. The week will start at 8:00 a.m. on the first day of the week and will conclude at 7:59 a.m. on the first day of the following week. During the week that the towing service is assigned, all calls for service requested through the Police Department providing traffic enforcement services to the Borough will be accepted. Refusal or inability to respond will automatically result in the next wrecker on the list being summoned. Response time must be reasonable [20 minutes will be deemed reasonable], and Police Officers providing traffic enforcement services to the Borough may cancel and reassign the call when response time is unreasonably long. The Chief of the Police Department then providing traffic enforcement services to the Borough shall not call or cause to be called any wrecker not licensed with the Borough of Rocky Hill unless all such wreckers are unavailable. It is specifically permitted for the Chief of the Police Department then providing traffic enforcement services to the Borough to call a wrecker out of sequence where proximity to the wreck and estimated response time make it more practical to do so. Failure to comply with this section will result in removal from the list by decision of the Borough Council, after a full disclosure of the facts by all parties involved.
    A wrecker that cannot respond when called shall not have another wrecker company, whether on the rotation list or not, respond in their place. The next wrecker called shall be at the charge officer's discretion.
    Any wrecker unable to respond to four or more requests per month will be subject to removal from the approved list for the next rotation week of being on service. The Police Department desk providing traffic enforcement shall allow the phone to ring 10 times on any call before going to the next wrecker on the list. Any wrecker using a paging system will be granted a five-minute wait period to respond before the Police Department desk providing traffic enforcement calls the next wrecker on the list.